Please, do remember that bilou is not an executable, but a QuickBasic program, which means you'll need MS-QuickBasic 4.5 in order to make it run, but also just for watching source code (source code isn't just text!). Getting QB4.5 should be a problem while it's an abandonware, which means you can find it for free on the web, and it only uses 4-6 Mb installation (you should try abandonware in your favourite WebSearcher). In order to make Bilou run properly, you'll also need a shareware sound library (available on the site). The multimed.qlb run-time library must be loaded with QuickBasic. To do so, use the option /l multimed.qlb on the command line when lauching QB. I suggest you install the sound library in the directory where you put QuickBasic. Note that you'll need to call the resident driver of the library (should be sound/ before QuickBasic I think you'll need to install bilou in the Qbilou directory. the file to run will then be Qbilou/bilou/sbintro.bas or Qbilou/bilou/intro.bas if you have no sound support. Note that the no-sound version won't have all the last changes. set projects=c: set proglang=c: bilou |
<download the game> (basic sources+pics tar.gz: 645Ko) <sound library> (plus resident sound driver: 162Ko) < |