Clicker File System |
Groups |
A group is just a collection of files grouped together. This is an object that can provide separate access to it's own components. Those component may be external (the group is then much like a directory) or internal (then you got something looking like a library). MoreOver, Groups may provide their own access methods and thus can deal with inline packing/unpacking. | Classes |
Clicker Files are strictly typed with fileclasses (so that you can't try to tell clicker a sound is a picture). These Classes are associated in a hierarchy (i.e. an MP3 is a SOUND, a WAVE is a sound, a MODULE is a MUSIC wich is a sub-class of a SOUND.) converters may be used to go from a class to a neighbour-class by going back to the common superclass. |
Compounds |
Clicker Files may be compound of many other sub-files (well, they may be groups, if you prefer). This means that a group can provide informa- -tion to be loaded as a single file by combining it's components in some way. This also means that kind of file is able to use an external component as a part of himself, and if this component is shared, it means that you may reuse a sub-file in many super-files without having to duplicate it. |
Nodes |
Each CFS file is associated to a node that describes it in the volume. This node can also hold some custom-informations, such as author of a document, etc. for forming a Enhanced Disk Object (EDO). Moreover, each node-field (EDO entry) is given a privilege-level that a process will need to access it. So the node can hold user, system or application datas without any missuse of this informations. The class of the file is stored in a node-field and is associated in a database with EDO actions (tiny programs the EDO can be used with such as viewers, printers, etc.) |
Keys |
CFS provides two main access mode to files: the access by position ,where the file is assumed to be made of an "array of bytes" without any structure, and access by key where the file contains many record and when you only can access one record by giving its key (very powerful for databases) |