Out'm'Up is a shoot'em'up, crossing over between Tyrian from EpicMegagames and Space Invaders. Note that nearly all code has been rewriten or debugged for the occasion. A brand-new sprite engine (hundreds of 32x32 sprites!) has been written because Gedeon/ParadiseStudios didn't like the way i managed collisions in Crazy Brix. In OUTmUP, you get a pixel-precision collision detection with lightning-speed effect. I'd like to credit Pierrick for the idea of a Shoot-m-up, even if he was really too late with his sprites. All you'll have to do is pass each UFO wave, shooting as much alien starships/ufos as you can, collecting bonuses for powerups. 5 lives - 5 hitpoints - 7 waves - that game is too easy! RULE da STARFIELD!... |
Game Requirements
<download the game> (executables only: 56Ko) <download Sources> (pure A86 code: 900Ko) Source Code includes Kris'lzw compressor. |